Before I Go Off into La-La Land #roseatespoonbill #natureismychurch

Although I perceive myself to be in good health, the number of chronic and acute aches and pains I’ve been experiencing lately really challenge that perception.

Recently I learned I have mild to moderate arthritis in both knees. Because of pain in my left knee, I’ve taken to using a cane. Fortunately, I was able to find a cane that matches the blue and black paint on my road bike … I have my priorities and preferences. But these aches and pains are nothing compared to what I know (and I literally mean know) other people suffer.

I can be philosophical about pain until it becomes so overbearing that nothing else seems to exist except for It. That is kind of where I am today. I’m having muscle spasms below my right shoulder that only be alleviated (slowly) with drugs. I took one about 3 AM and am overdue for a second dose.

Once I take that second dose, I’ll drift off into La-La Land, if I’m lucky.

I am lucky that I had some of my prescription left over from the last time this particular muscle got woke.

I’m also lucky that the muscle spasms didn’t start yesterday, otherwise I would have missed a trip to the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge and the acutely special pleasure of seeing Roseate Spoonbills feeding in the marsh.

My iPhone fails to do justice to the beauty of this scene but you get the idea (I hope).

Now I’m off to La-La Land. I thought I’d just drop in to see what condition my condition was in. Hasta luego, mis amigos!

39 responses to “Before I Go Off into La-La Land #roseatespoonbill #natureismychurch”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear your condition isn’t in very good condition, Marie. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m nursing a bum knee, myself. I should have listened to Derek when he told me to give it a rest and not workout. My grandmother used to sing that song. ❤


    • Thanks, Jill! I’m feeling much better after 12 hours of bed rest 😉 I think this muscle flare up is due to my using a particular torso machine at the gym. I’ll be avoiding that machine from now on. Sorry you have a bum knee too. That must be tricky to deal with when your playing golf.


  2. Sorry about your pains Marie. No pain is small. I live this song. I actually hear it live at a concert when Kenny Rogers joined the First Edition. He was introduced as the new guy and as far as I know this song was the first sung by him with the group


  3. Love this phrasing … “the last time this particular muscle got woke.”

    Sorry to hear about all of your aches and pains. This getting old crap is just that. I hope you find some relief and can continue getting out there.

    One more thing … we have a handful of National Wildlife Refuges in our area. They are great places to see wildlife. Some of the best pictures I’ve taken were taken at one of them a couple of hours north of Sacramento.


    • I’m back with the living … and wishing I had reason to pop another pill and go to bed … 😉 Ah, but I don’t. I do prefer to be ambulatory even if it means going to work. The Wildlife Refuge is one of very few things I would miss if and when we move.


  4. I love the photos! I’m so happy you felt well and got to see them. I’m really sorry for the aches and pains. Hurting sucks! I injured my shoulder when I fell hiking in December and it still hurts when I overdo it. If I had decent healthcare, I’d get it checked out. I’m sure I hurt it (and my neck) pretty bad when I fell. Here’s to better days! 💚


    • Hey, RoseMary, WP plunked your comment into my SPAM folder so I didn’t see it until now. WP is being abundantly cautious. I shouldn’t complain (even though complaining is so easy!). Well, you know I’m feeling better now but many thanks for your comment then 🙂


    • Oh, dear, I’m only now realizing that everyone thinks I’m going on a trip to LA 😬 No, I’m home 🙂 La-la land (to me) meant I was getting doped on muscle relaxers so I could sleep. Well, I was already a little doped when I wrote the blog posts 😉 I’m feeling much better today!


    • Ahem … I didn’t realize when I wrote La-La Land, that readers would think of LA 😬 I was taking muscle relaxers and wanted to send out a post before I went back to bed. In my (addled) mind, drugs + bed = la-la land. So I never got to see Ryan Gosling which is fine because … ah … he’s not my type 😏


  5. Marie, sorry you’re in pain or perhaps at the moment you’re in lala-land. I have some of those pills too! Makes for a pretty good nap. Take care of yourself, and glad you found a snazzy cane! I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  6. Marie, that was a wonderful experience you had with the birds. But your medical conditions are “for the birds”!!! I hope you get better fast. Pain is such a burden and takes so much away from life.


  7. I am surprised that so many people thought you were going on a trip. Perhaps they skimmed over your post a little too quickly, as we do in our busy lives. I was aware of what medications can do and their side effects. I do hope you get some relief from the discomfort of your painful knee. We take our mobility for granted until we do not have it anymore. Your post has reminded me that free movement is a blessing.


    • Thank you! My knees are better which is a good thing because I do love to walk. Yes, when we read quickly, sometimes we misunderstand. Often times, it’s funny 😉
