-1 + 4 Weeks: Life with Raji and Cheating

Before I get to Raji and cheating, I feel I should explain the math in my post titles. Originally I had planned to make February 4 my termination date, my last day with my employer. But when I told my husband that I had a month of vacation time saved up, he suggested March 4 for my termination date and that I take vacation time for the month of February. By the time I agreed with him, I was already writing these posts about my impending retirement. So I adjusted the math.

And guess what?! I’m not taking the month of February off because, you know, I’m not very assertive when it comes to my own needs. Sigh. Well, I’m taking February 9th off. There’s that. And I’ve got my eye on a few other days so there’s that too. And so that’s the math. Because I should be on vacation right now.

I’m not complaining though because soon I’ll be on vacation for the rest of my life.

Life with Raji is going so well now. He’s spending more and more time in our house. Junior, Maxine and Wendy all take turns hissing at him, but they are tolerating his presence more. He still sleeps in the garage and has most of his meals there. He loves our back porch, as you know.

These photos are from today (Sunday). Raji is straddling the arms of two patio chairs to get a better look at whatever may be lurking in our yard.

And this is what gives me hope.

Raji and Wendy on the porch at the same time, in full view of each other. Granted, I don’t think Wendy was thrilled to see Raji, but she didn’t hiss and didn’t run away.

Even better is this photo from earlier today. Coexisting on the same bed! Hallelujah!

We’ve started calling Raji the Tundra Tabby or Arctic Cat because he doesn’t seem to mind the cold. Our other three will all be nestled on the couch, curled up with their noses covered, and Raji will be on the porch, engaged in watching the birds and squirrels.

Now the cheating part of this blog is I don’t have any recent nature photos so I’m stealing some that my husband sent me during one of his rides in the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.

The photo on the left is the Pinhook River when the tide was out. The photo on the right is the Pinhook River a few hours later after the tide came in.

Sunset. Need I say more?

And sunset with bike.

I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed receiving them.

Raji and I and the rest of the crew wish you all well. Stay safe, healthy, and happy.

(this is my favorite photo of Raji so expect to see it a lot)

26 responses to “-1 + 4 Weeks: Life with Raji and Cheating”

  1. Good morning, Marie! It’s not cheating, it’s sharing. Beautiful photos–love that sunset!

    It sounds like all is going well with you and cats. I’m think how much our Mickey would have loved those full-length windows–though he would have been charging the glass. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Merril. I know, that sunset was amazing. I would have loved to have seen in person 🙂 A few months ago we had our back porch re-screened and asked that they install a cat-proof screen 😉 The old ones had holes from where Wendy (when she was much younger) would chase anoles up the screen. So far Raji hasn’t done that, although I’m sure he’s tempted 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Cheryl! Oh, goodness, I’m really not cut out to be an administrator. It’ll be such a relief to get out from under the stress. Really looking forward to having more time with the kitties 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • ha ha ha … I think you’re right, Linda, and yet they’ve engaged in a bit of play. Raji definitely seems to be “live and let live” kind of cat. He just wants to get along 🙂


  2. I’m so excited to see how well Raji is doing!!! We know how long it can take cats to acclimate. He’s not been with you that long! Woot!
    And those gorgeous shots. Just fabulous.
    A little disappointed about your month of vaca though. But still. It’s almost here.

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